Feira Hospitalar 2023 - The biggest health care event
NBTech brought to Feira Hospitalar the hospital bed model Advanced 2455 with integrated scale and connectivity.
This module make available data through Wi-Fi connection, TCP/IP protocol, this being a reliable protocol, of orderly delivery of bed information, indicating online status of the bed functions, bed brake whether activated or not, positions of the bed rails whether lowered or raised and locked, whether the bed is lowered in the minimum position or raised in the maximum position, inclination angle of the back, inclination angle of the legs, inclination angle of the trendelenburg position, patient weight, restriction of which functions are blocked or unlocked in bed (back position, legs, armchair position, bed elevation), nurse call, emergency button activated.
Every information can be visualized from the nursing service management system integration, which enables professionals to visualize and follow online the conditions of each bed from the nursing station. With this system is possible to define and assign to the integrated system to activate alarms, informing, for example, that the protection rails are lowered, and, this way, the people from the nursing can act immediately to reduce the fall risks, patient exit (bed abandonment), provides online patient monitoring, observing patient information in the bed, avoiding accidents or misuse of bed positions, incompatible with the patient's needs. The programmation of the alarms for a diversity of functions can be programmed by the integration system (not supplied with the bed), allowing nursing to receive the respective scheduled alerts, activated directly by the patient (nursing call) or automatic in case of unwanted activities, for example, lower a rail, by making an alarm and indicated on the monitoring screen of the nursing station.
Main benefits of patient monitoring:
- Patient monitoring in real time;
- Risk of accidents reduced, like fall from the bed;
- Nursing team time optimization;
- Dynamic and secure management of the nursing professionals.
The event was a success!
We thank everyone for the visit!